Class 1 Powerboat “Negotiator” - The original:
The original Cass 1 Powerboat „Negotiator“ ist ein 14 Meter langer Rennkatamaran. Der Rumpf ist, wie beim Modell, aus Carbon gefertigt.
The original is powered by two Lamborghini engines with 900 hp each.
A top-speed of 160 mph (260 km/h) can be achieved.
In 2005 the boat, piloted by Chris Parsonage, circumnavigated Great Britain in record time.
Class 1 Powerboat “Negotiator” – The model:
The model is a 1:14 scale replica. The hull can be ordered via the company Hydro&Marine , it is available in different designs and sizes.
Die Basis der „Negotiator“:
My model was built in 2007 with a custom-made hull made of black carbon fiber-/aramid- laminate. The fuselage is designed to resist the highest mechanical forces.
Die Details der „Negotiator“:
All built-in components such as motor mounts, battery holders, servo mounts and other parts are also made of carbon and bonded with special black resin.
The model is powered by two water-cooled, brushless inrunner rotor motors from the company Lehner.
Each of the motors is controlled by a 120 ampere speed controller from the company YGE gesteuert. Die Regler wurden mit zusätzlichen „Power Caps“ modifiziert, um Spannungsspitzen von kurzzeitig über 150 Ampere auszugleichen.
The power is supplied by a 5000mAh LiPo battery on power train. With this setup, a power of 4-5 hp can be obtained at a weight of around 3.5 kg.
In addition, an on-board computer is installed which measures the engine speed, voltages and currents as well as records the speed with a pitot probe.
The two-motor structure enables a torque-free, brute acceleration (one propeller runs to the right, the other to the left).
In order to visually enhance the model, the original screw connections are reproduced around the wind shield.
In addition, air scoops and exhaust pipes were attached to the original.
The rooster tail can be illuminated as a special effect.