- photography, travel & more

Photography tips, travel & expat reports and much more!

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Travel- & Landscape photography

The most beautiful moments during traveling!


The Bromo-Tengger-Semeru National Park on the island of Java in Indonesia.
A dream landscape for hiking and photography.


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Macro photography

Little things in detail!


A panther chameleon chameleon on La Réunion Island.
A colorful creature.


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Timelapse photography

Make barely visible movements visible!


Sunrise at the Bromo-Tengger Caldera on the
island Java in Indonesia, an amazing view.


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Social Media

Welcome to -

Photography, travel & more

I am a passionate photographer and like to travel to foreign countries.
On – Photography, Travel & more, I would like to share my experiences and impressions and perhaps can I offer at least some inspiration.

I have been living and working as an expat in China since the end of 2018 and learn a lot about the country, people and the different Asian cultures in addition to the chinese language.

In China my basis is in Beijing, but I travel a lot in the country and work in different places. In my free time I travel and take photos often and would like to gradually collect my impressions and experiences as well as tips and much more here.

Besides China and the surrounding Asian countries, I will of course also write about other interesting and worth seeing travel destinations around the world and also will introduce my Hobbies, RC-Modeling and 3D printing a little more in detail.

Focus on –

Photography, travel & more

Photography - A wide range of different specialties

Das Hauptthema meiner Homepage, die Fotografie, lässt sich in die unterschiedlichen Themengebiete „Portrait photography„, „Landscape- & Travel photography„, „Architectural photography„, „Macro photography„, „Timelapse photography“ und „Drone- / Aerial photography“ unterteilen.

I would like to write about the individual areas specifically and report about my own experiences, give suggestions and tips and inspire you to do experiments by yourself.

Each of the photographic specialties requires individual equipment and places different demands on both the photographer and the equipment. There are no limits to personal creativity.

About the necessary equipment as well as my personal experiences regarding the handling as well as advantages or disadvantages I also will write about, step by step.

Contact     Gallery

Extract from the gallery

Here are some of my shots from different areas of photography

Latest blog posts

Travel reports, reviews, tips & tricks and much more

Qingdao – Ein Schatz an Geschichte

Qingdao – A treasure of history

Qingdao - A Treasure of History, Beer Festival and Stunning Sights:Qingdao, a city on China's coast in Shandong Province, is known for its rich history, world-famous beer festival and breathtaking sights. With...

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Gubei Watertown in den vier Jahreszeiten

Gubei Watertown in the four seasons

Excursion to Gubei Watertown:From the city center in Beijing, tours and excursions are offered every weekend by various operators. Gubei Watertown can also be easily reached by car or train independently of a travel group. Gubei Watertown...

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Eine Woche in Tibet

A week in Tibet

A week in Tibet - travel planning:When traveling to Tibet, good preparation is essential. Especially because of the required permits, some time should be allowed for before the planned travel date. If you don't have a Chinese ID card, you can enter Tibet...

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